Monday, 26 October 2009

Prelinmenary Magazine

The task i got set was to was to create a front cover for a school magazine, the cover had to include a mid shot and 4 pieces of text. I came up with the title as i play football for the school team and decided to us the school initials as the title, which is l.c.f.c. The picture i chose was a of Alex Baraclough, this is because he has a main role in the team. I chose a light red as a background and dark blue for the text as these are the school team colours. I did this because with the blue text it stands out and it is bold.

I worked on my own as i get distracted very easily by other people. This helped me to focus more on the task in hand and get on with my work quickly. The problems i came across was such things as not being able to work well.

1 comment:

  1. A very brief evaluation Luke. You need to analyse your magazine cover in much more detail than this. You must also post your magazine cover and contents page onto your blog as a jpeg file.
